Find a Problem, Extend Your Maintenance

At CJD Software, great care is taken to ensure you can depend on the software.

That said, sometimes a bug will slip by. That’s where you come in!

For each software problem you find, document, and can be reproduced in our development environment, your maintenance will be extended by one month.

Issues with your network, your computer, a hard drive, etc. is not a software problem. Known issues that are reported on this site or in the on-line HELP files are not eligible for maintenance extension. This has to be a software crash or computational error that can be reproduced. A software feature that is documented as performing in a particular way may also qualify.

As an example typing into a field an acceptable or reasonable value and getting a crash or bad computation is eligible. Typing in data that is known to be be bad, unreasonable, or contradictory is not eligible. For example, inputting a set of lithologies that would take the depth of the hole to more than the radius of the Earth is not reasonable.

Eligibility does not include instances where a file created by or required by the software has been manually altered by you or created/manipulated by non-C-Master software. Eligibility does not cover problems with installation, administrator permissions, or user errors.

CJD Software has the final decision authority whether or not maintenance agreements are extended.

You must apply for this extension. It is not automatic. This offer applies to Version 10 and later only.