Sometimes, an e-mail just isn’t enough, and you want to call. Or, you might have a screen or message that is confusing to you, and you need an answer before you proceed or quit. That’s when to call!
If you are within your allocation (initial purchase, maintenance mode), a level of phone support is provided at no additional charge. When you have reach your allocation, then we need to do something different.
Additional telephone support is available in blocks of 3 hours at $150/hour. Stated another way, for $450, you’ll get three hours of phone-based consultation with an expert in the software. For $900, you’ll get six hours.
You can decide to pay ahead of your need. Your payment will hold these hours for 24 months. After that time, an additional payment will be required.
Please note that when you renew your maintenance agreement, you will have additional telephone support automatically added. These hours expire at the end of the maintenance term (one year). They do not roll-over.
If you have a licensed copy of C-Master, have let the maintenance agreement expire for more than 30 days and still wish assistance, the cost is $250/hour for a minimum of four hours ($1000). Or, you may purchase a maintenance agreement for one year at 2x the current listed price.
Payment should be made via PayPal if the need is immediate. Checks and PO’s can be used; the payment must have been received and processed prior to being used. So checks and PO’s are not for an immediate need.