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Latest Version 8.1.00

  •  Corrected a display issue when viewing logs after a catalog search.
  •  The option numbers for entering/editing logs has changed (CLOG Main Menu). This is done in anticipation of additional options.
  •  Copy/Cut/Paste is available for the Main Menu window.
    • The process differs slightly from standard Windows: You can COPY an entire field, CUT an entire field or PASTE the clipboard, replacing the entire field.
    • There is no way to select just a few characters within a field. This is why the Copy, Cut, and Paste affect the entire field.
    • You can also right-click a field and use the popup menu, or use the standard CTL-C, CTL-X and CTL-V to Copy, Cut, and Paste, respectively.
    • You can paste any text from the clipboard, so selecting text from a different application makes it available for C-Master. Similarly, you can Copy a field and paste it into a Windows dialog.
    • You can edit the clipboard (up to 260 total characters) to add/remove any characters you wish.
    • You can Edit the Clipboard and drag-and-drop a file there to be used later.
    • This allows you to have a text or other document opened for copying of data and pasting it into C-Master, or vice-versa.
    • Also, you can have two C-Master's open simultaneously, working on different logs, and copy/paste between the two.
  • When editing the Header User Data or Lithology User Data fields, you can add a file name an easy way. You have to Edit the Clipboard (right click in the Man Menu to bring up the clipboard editor), drag and drop the file there, close the clipboard editor, then paste into the appropriate place.
    •  If you drag and drop a set of files, only the last one is saved in the clipboard.
  • Scout tickets can now be processed (ref: Greg Cornett).
    • Copying from an OCR document and pasting the data is operational, but still a bit experimental.
    • Native Carter coordinates are handled, or "normal" lat/lon can be used for coordinates.
    • The instructions for use are still in development and are not yet part of the User's Manual. A separate document is available.
  • Display of flagged items ignored the Total Depth of drill hole data and may have reported a different elevation issue instead.