Latest Release

The latest formal release of C-Master is:

12.00.00 (20 September 2023)

Previous Releases

31 March 2022 (11.3.02)
28 March 2022 (11.3.01)
24 March 2022 (11.3.00)
11 July 2021 (11.2.01)
10 May 2021 (11.2.00)
03 May 2021 (11.1.01)
28 April 2021 (11.1.00)
06 April 2021 (10.2.00)


This is the first release using all Windows, and not the “Full-Screen” or “Classic” method of data entry and option selection. Significant changes in capabilities were also added to various functions


This is the last version of C-Master allows the “Classic” form of data entry and navigation, a “Full Screen” data entry page. There will be no more development on this style of C-Master. However, it will be maintained until February 2022 with bug-fixes as reported by users. It includes a Windows-centric form, using windows and dialogs to perform the data entry and function selections. Both forms of entry use the same underlying code, so there are no differences in files, program shortcuts, etc. And, you can switch between the two forms at will.


The release number indicates important information about the contents of the release. The format of the release number is:


xxx is the major release number. If a significant capability has been added to C-Master, this number will be incremented

yyy is the minor update number. This indicates that a problem has been corrected or a feature has been added. A documentation update may also have occurred.

zzz is a build configuration number. This may indicate that a change has occurred in the authorized users, a minor discrepancy has been corrected, or a minor feature has been added. In these cases, the documentation is likely NOT to have required a change.

[.qqq], if present, notes a new build of the Setup, but no change to the underlying code. This may be done to accommodate authorized user changes, or changes in supporting files, such as the user manual or quick start guide.