If you are a current or just-graduated college or graduate student, or you are currently on the faculty of a college or university, C-Master is available at a substantial discount. This discount also imposes some restrictions. Please contact CJD Software directly if you have any questions.
Student Pricing: $199 per user
Single user license restrictions apply, except as modified below:
- The software may not be used for commercial purposes. This means, but is not limited to, contract work you may be performing, work performed as an intern (paid or unpaid), or work performed on behalf of a company or public agency with no reimbursement to yourself.
- You may use the Software for any class related work, even if that class work would benefit a commercial company or public agency.
- Must provide a photocopy of current student identification credentials prior to sale.
- If an SSN is used as your ID, please make the SSN unreadable.
- Valid dates for use of a ID is the current year (i.e. a student ID that expires in 2016 is valid through the end of calendar year 2016)
- E-mail support only
- After one year, maintenance pricing and support below applies
Maintenance and Support Options for Students
- If you are still a student (after one year), present a copy of your current ID and receive special maintenance pricing of $49/year.
- Valid dates for use of a college ID is the current year (i.e. an ID that expires in 2016 is valid through the end of calendar year 2016)
- Product support available via e-mail only (no phone support)
If you are a student, but wish to use C-Master commercially, you may purchase the software as if you are Faculty.
Once you are no longer a student, you may choose to upgrade by paying the current commercial support and maintenance fee.
Faculty Pricing: $299 per user
Single user license restrictions apply, except as modified below:
- The software may be used by you for commercial or educational purposes. Any benefiting company or agency must purchase their own copy of C-Master with which they would continue to use the data/analysis you provided.
- You must provide a photocopy of current faculty identification credentials prior to sale.
- If an SSN is used as your ID, please make the SSN unreadable.
- Valid dates for use of a ID is the current year (i.e. a faculty ID that expires in 2016 is valid through the end of calendar year 2016)
- E-mail support only
- After one year, maintenance pricing and support below applies
Maintenance and Support Options for Faculty
- If you are still faculty (after this initial one year), present a copy of your current ID and receive special maintenance pricing of $99/year
- Valid dates for use of an ID is the current year (i.e. an ID that expires in 2016 is valid through the end of calendar year 2016)
- Product support available via e-mail only (no phone support)
Once you are no longer faculty, you may choose to upgrade by paying the current commercial support and maintenance fee.